Party: Crab Feed
Main page > Westminster Moose Family Center 1381 > Crab Feed
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This event is open to the public! Enjoy an outstanding Crab Feed at the Westminster Moose Family Center. The menu includes:Crabs provided by the Blue Point Crab House, Crab Soup, Fried Chicken, Hot Dogs/Sauerkraut, Corn on the cob, Baked Beans, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, Chps &Pretzlels, Iced Tea/Coffee, Draft Beer/Soda. Music by DJ Charley L. from 2:00 till 4:00PM.
All for only $40.00per person. Tickets available at the Westminster Moose Family Center, 410-857-5821 or 410-848-9725.