Party: Postponed: Southend Parkour Ladies Only Beginner Course
Main page > Southend Parkour > Postponed: Southend Parkour Ladies Only Beginner Course
Upcoming: 2
Date: 24.04.2017 18:15
Address: , Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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Due to unforeseen circumstances this course will be postponed until June, Clements Hall will be contacting those who have booked. Apologies for any inconvenience caused and hope to see you all in June!
Looking for something new to try?
Want to improve skills for a "mud-run" or OCR event?
Want to meet new people and improve confidence?
Want to develop balance, coordination and strength?
This IS for you.
In partnership with Rochford District Council, Active Rochford and Fusion Lifestyle we are pleased tp be offering a ladies only, 6 week Parkour course designed to help you learn more about Parkour, improve your movement and have plenty of fun in the process.
Each week you will develop the skills and understanding to explore Parkour under expert tuition from Brad Moss, Lead Parkour Coach for Southend Parkour and Ninja Warrior UK S1 Semi-Finalist.
These sessions are being delivered BY Clements Hall Lesiure Centre who are also handling booking. Funding has been aquried through SPORTIVATE to enable females aged 16 to 24 years to participate at a reduced rate.
Please contact Clements Hall Leisure Centre on 01702 207 777 to book you space. Limited spaces available!