Party: Zoo party Free body paint / Face paint 10.30pm to 1am 4am Rave
Main page > Religion Walsall > Zoo party Free body paint / Face paint 10.30pm to 1am 4am Rave
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Its a ZOO PARTY and Our very first ever 4am rave
All four areas will be open from 10.30pm-4am
For those of you who came to our last zoo party you know how it goes !!
▻ Free body/facepainter 10.30pm-1am
▻ Free entry in facepaint/ body paint / animal them b4 12am
▻ Full club decor
▻ Loads of giveaways
▻ Religion Ryan Broad playing all things commercial
▻ Top floor Jon Carmichael RnB, bashment, hiphop
▻ Tech terrace Sheldon Steemson tech house
Drinks deals -
▻ Selected drinks £1.50 b4 midnight
▻ 3 Jagerbombs for £5 all night long
▻ Double spirit and mixer £3.99 12am-5am
Entry -
▻ Free entry b4 11pm
▻ Free entry b4 11.30pm with a stamp
▻ Free entry b4 12am in facepaint/ bodypaint / animal theme
Booth deals
▻ One x bottle of ciroc flavours, and 1 x bottle of bottega gold , 1 s mixer , 8 x free VIP entry all for only £99.99 , must be prepaid, INBOX us now to get yours