Party: PLACE 2 BE!
Main page > Fratelli Timisoara > PLACE 2 BE!
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Date: 30.06.2017 23:30
Address: 1 Bd Corneliu Coposu, Timisoara, Romania | show on the map »
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Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong and laughter never ends.
Meet us in Fratelli Lounge & Club this Friday, 30th of June and Saturday, 1st of July, THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME- PLACE 2 BE by the river!
Grab those dancing shoes and let's get the party started. In charge with good music: Julyan Dubson and Lucian K.
See you by the river!
For reservations: [email protected] | 0722.122.123
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.
Access 18 +
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs