The Croatian National Home is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Croatia...
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The Croatian National Home is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Croatian culture, history and traditions in Hamilton. Founded in 1928, the CNH built its first hall on Beach Road in 1930. Generations of immigrants and their descendants continue to gather at the CNH, today located at 1925A Barton Street East. Throughout the year the CNH organizes events such as the traditional "domaća večera" along with other socials and gatherings. We also sponsor five folklore groups for those aged four to twenty-one, a young adult and an adult folklore group "Hrvatsko Srce". In addition, the CNH sponsors a five-pin bowling league, a golf league, annual golf tournament and monthly "Golden Girls" gatherings for women age 55 plus.
Hrvatski narodni dom je neprofitna organizacija s ciljem očuvanja hrvatske kulture, povijesti i običaja u gradu Hamiltonu. HND je osnovan 1928. godine, a svoju prvu dvoranu izgradio je na ulici Beach 1930. godine. Generacije iseljenika i njihovih potomaka okupljale su se i još uvijek se okupljaju oko Doma, koji se danas nalazi na adresi 1925A Barton Street East. Tijekom godine HND organizira događanja i okupljanja kao što je tradicionalna "domaća večera". Sponzoriramo i pet folklorne grupe za mlade od 4. do 21.godine života te "Hrvatsko Srce", folklornu grupu koja okuplja starije članove. Osim toga, HND sponzorira i reprezentaciju u kuglanju s pet kugli (five-pin bowling), golf ligu, godišnji turnir u golfu i "Zlatne cure" za žene 55 godina i više.