Party: SUMO Sh* ttest Tattoo Awards

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SUMO Sh* ttest Tattoo Awards

Club: Sumo Middlesbrough

Upcoming: 9
Date: 07.07.2017 23:00
Address: 2 Corporation Road, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: SUMO Sh* ttest Tattoo Awards


Here's the score - we are looking for THE WORST tattoo in Boro. All you have to do is send us a picture via facebook/ twitter/ instagram/ by post or pigeon, however you want to, of yours or your mate's sh***t tattoo. We'll pick the bestest-worst ones and then it'll go to a public vote to find the one sh***t tattoo to rule them all. Get 'em in by Thursday for the chance to win/ lose depending on how you wanna look at it.

The WORST tattoo WINS a night out on us!
Free Entry + 3
A bottle of spirit (and mixer)
2 x cans
the one and only sumo fidget spinner in existence ever
aaaand a special Sumo sh***ttest tatto award mug, made especially for you xxx

PS it's the person with the tattoo who wins - so they have to be there to show the tatt on Friday to claim it
