Party: ROCK JAMBOREE mit Cherry Casino, Marcel Riesco (USA) und Roddy Jackson (USA)
Main page > Rosis Amüsierlokal > ROCK JAMBOREE mit Cherry Casino, Marcel Riesco (USA) und Roddy Jackson (USA)
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Date: 12.11.2015 21:00
Address: Eschenstraße 11, Dresden, Germany | show on the map »
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Cherry Casino and the Gamblers made their first public appeareance in august 2002 at the famous „Brandenburg- Weekender“ in Werder/Berlin and went down very well.The Boys have built up a huge following of fans, all over Europe. Constant touring, and their dynamic live stage show has won Cherry Casino a huge legion of devoted fans. Five funny faces break the ice in less than a second every time they appear with their well blended mix of early R&B and furious Rock and Roll ! 2005 continued in the same vain with one little difference...After all the live shows they were preparing themselves to cut their first album "Let´s Play Around". It was released in February 2006 followed by the album "Fat Mama´s Daughter" in 2008.
It´s a rather tough task to try and categorize the music of Cherry Casino and The Gamblers. It certainly is music to dance to and have fun with but also music that features a heavy after-beat and a breathless singing style that listeners of all ages can enjoy. This is the mixture that has helped Cherry and the boys zoom to the top and gain their world-wide reputation as one of the hottest bands in the rock and roll genre!
Cherry is in the headlines again - this time not for another of his most exciting stage shows backed by his exuberant and talented group The Gamblers - but for the long awaited release of his brand-new long playing album.Teen-agers all around the world were fascinated and taken by the strength of his first two albums "Let´s Play Around" and "Fat Mama´s Daughter", both on Rhythm Bomb Records. Cherry´s belting delivery not only stands out vividly on record but also with his personal appearances, which accounts for his universal popularity... especially with the teen-age contingency.
What´s so special about the sound of Cherry Casino? The key is that his recordings sound like a mirror image of his stage appearances. When you drop the needle on your Hi-Fi you could almost think Cherry and The Gamblers were performing right in your living room! These songs are as crisp and refreshing as a glass of ice-cold lemonade on a hot summer day.
The band playes classic 1950´s Rock and Roll with catchy lyrics and hard driving guitar/sax lead breaks and is trying to come as close as possible to the magic sounds of the era. Cherry loves T-Bone Walker, Wynonie Harris, Big Joe Turner and all kinds of mirrors.
Marcel´s Stimme wird seit Jahren immer wieder mit der vom jungen Roy Orbison verglichen. So wundert es nicht das der Frontmann der Band „Truly Lover Trio“ mehrere Roy Orbison Tributshows gespielt hat und zwar mit großem Erfolg! Marcel Riesco hat Roy´s Musik verinnerlicht, doch ist er kein bloßer Nachahmungskünstler, sondern ein wahrer Fan des Big O. Nebenbei ist er nämlich auch ein guter Songwriter mit einem sehr eigenen Sound den er immer weiter perfektioniert. Mit seiner Band veröffentlichte er mehrere Alben. Nun veröffentlicht er in wenigen Monaten sein erstes Album als Solokünstler.
Marcel Riesco und Band, so heißt sein Soloprojekt, spielt nun Lieder aus dem kommenden Album. Also nichts wie hin! Vielleicht findet sich ja sogar der ein oder andere Roy Orbison Song drunter.
Born George Rodrick Jackson, 9 April 1942, Fresno, California
Not much is known about gravel-voiced Roddy Jackson. Like Jerry Byrne, he was a white teenager who recorded three singles in the late fifties for Art Rupe's Specialty label, a company that had only a handful of white artists under contract. The first of these singles, "I've Got My Sights On Someone New"/"Love At First Sight" (Specialty 623) was released in January 1958. The A-side rocks OK, but it is especially his second 45, "Hiccups"/ "Moose On the Loose" (Specialty 649), for which Jackson is remembered. Both sides are exuberant rockers with a top-notch backing from L.A.'s finest session men. The intro to "Moose On the Loose" is in my Top 5 of favourite R&R intro's. I have not heard his third single, "Any Old Town"/ "Gloria" (Specialty 666), but I suppose that if it was any good, it would have been reissued by now. "Hiccups" and "Moose On the Loose" have both been included on two different Ace CD's: "Specialty Rock 'n' Roll" (Ace 291) and "Rock 'n' Roll Fever! : The Wildest From Specialty" (Ace 574) ; the latter compilation also includes "I've Got My Sights On Someone New".
All three Specialty singles were produced by Sonny Bono, with whom Roddy wrote "She Said Yeah" for Larry Williams (Bono using his alias Don Christy). Jackson was not a prolific songwriter, if the BMI files are anything to go by. Apart from "She Said Yeah", his only other compositions are "Love At First Sight", "Any Old Town" and "Gloria", exactly the three songs that have not been reissued. "Hiccups" was written by Al Hazan, the keyboard player who hit the piano keys so hard on his first (and only) take of "Nut Rocker" by B. Bumble and the Stingers that his middle finger was bleeding afterwards. Hazan has his own website (, well worth checking out) and it is there (under "Latest buzz at the Hazan hive") that I found the following announcement from December 2003:
"New Al-Related Releases - Alec Palao, independent producer, is working on a Beau Brummels box set for Rhino Handmade Records, which includes 3 previously unreleased tracks produced by Al at Gold Star Studio. Alec is