Party: FFS presents: tantsulavastus "Pachamama - ehk lugu emamaast"

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Party: FFS presents: tantsulavastus "Pachamama - ehk lugu emamaast"

Pachamama on jumalanna, kes on austatud Andidest pärit põlismaalaste seas. Tõlkes tähendab Pachamama emamaad ehk Maa Ema. Ta on sõltumatu jumalus, kellel on jõud luua ja hoida elu meie planeedil. Seega paljud arvavad, et probleemid tekivad, kui inimesed ei ela kooskõlas loodusega võttes sellelt liiga palju ja kurnates sellega Pachamamad.
“Maaema on organism, mida ükski teadus ei saa ratsionaliseerida. Kõik, mis temal roomab, lendab, sõltub temast ja kaob lootusetult unustuste hõlma, kui see maa, kes meid toidab, sureb.” - Viktor Schauberger

Free Flow Studio võtab oma hooaja kokku tänades ja austades Pachamamad. Ühtlasi selle erilise päeva puhul saadame tänu ja kallistused meie kõigi emadele.

Pilet 7 eur
Perepilet 5 eur/in (2 täiskasvanut ja vähemalt 2 last kuni 16a)
Pileteid saab osta alates 2. maist Free Flow Studio kontorist või üritusel koha pealt.


Pachamama is a goddess revered by the indigenous people of the Andes. She is also known as the earth/time mother. She is also an ever-present and independent deity who has her own self-sufficient and creative power to sustain life on this earth. Many in South America believe that problems arise when people take too much from nature because they are taking too much from Pachamama.
"Our primeval Mother Earth is an organism that no science in the world can rationalize. Everything on her that crawls and flies is dependent upon Her and all must hopelessly perish if that Earth dies that feeds us." - Viktor Schuaberger

Free Flow Studio finishes the season thanking and showing respect to Pachamama. Also on this special day we send thank you's and hugs to all of our mothers.

Ticket 7 eur
Family ticket 5 eur/(2 grownups and atleast 2 kids up to the age of 16)
Tickets can be bought from 2nd of Mai at Free Flow Studios office or at the place of the event.