Party: AntiValentine's Party (PISTOL CU CAPSE, NISTE BAIETI + Support & Gabi EMIL afterparty) in club Fabrica sala Claudiu Petre #findme
Main page > fabrica > AntiValentine's Party (PISTOL CU CAPSE, NISTE BAIETI + Support & Gabi EMIL afterparty) in club Fabrica sala Claudiu Petre #findme
Upcoming: 41
Date: 13.02.2016 21:00
Address: 11 IUNIE NR 50, Bucharest, Romania | show on the map »
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Facem party cu live si dans.
Open doors: 21:00
Opening support (TBA): 22:00 - 22:30
Niste Baieti: 22:50 - 23:50
Pistol Cu Capse: 00:15 - 01:15
Gabi (E.M.I.L.): 01:15 - 06:00 - afterparty
Bilet: 30 de lei
Biletele sunt disponibile pe, la librăriile Kyralina, Anthony Frost, Hecate și, în curând, la Fabrica.
Link bilete online: