Party: 30.12 Retropolitan
Main page > Club Prive > 30.12 Retropolitan
Upcoming: 18
Date: 30.12.2017 23:59
Address: Harju 6, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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► 30.12.2017 | Laupäev | RETROPOLITAN | DJ Valentine Black & DJ Mark Kitajev
Esmakordselt Tallinnas - RETROPOLITAN!
RETROPOLITAN on üritus, mis meenutab ammu unustatud MUUSIKAT!
Erinevates kümnendites on, mida teame peast, aga samas justkui läks ammu meelest. Seega õige koht ja õige aeg kõigilt unustatud lugudelt tolm pealt pühkida ja meenutada!
Ei saa me nurka jätta ka käesolevat aastat. 2017. aasta lõpp on põhimõtteliselt käes, tule ja meenuta peatselt ajalukku jääva aasta SUURHITTE!
Sel õhtul hoolitsevad muusika eest oma ala spetsialistid!
UUEMAD LOOD mängib ette DJ.Valentine Black
RETROLOOD mängib ette DJ Mark Kitajev
Sensuaalsed GO-GO tantsijad sulatavad jää sinu südames!
Tule ja saa emotsioone, mida kaasa võtta uude 2018. aastasse!
For the first time in Tallinn - RETROPOLITAN!
DJ Valentine Black & DJ Mark Kitajev
RETROPOLITAN is something, which reminds you a lot!
Different decades offer us lot’s more than we can imagine! Let’s explore the rhythms, which are forgotten, but we knew them many years ago. This is the right place to do that!
Not to mention current year. It’s about to end and this is the perfect night to make sure you remember all the BEST HITS from 2017!
Our specialists are in the house to browse the music library!
NEWER SONGS by DJ.Valentine Black
OLDER SONGS by DJ Mark Kitajev
GO-GO DANCERS will melt the ice in your heart!
Take the joy from the party to NEW YEAR - 2018!
► BOOK YOUR TABLE WITH A VIP ENTRY! Tel: +372 5670 5559, | Email: [email protected]
NB! Limited amount of tables available.
GIRLS 00.00-01.00 FREE!
* GUEST-LIST “FAMILY” & FACEBOOK: 5 € (Till 2.30 AM)
* AT THE DOOR: 10 €
* How to get on the “FAMILY” guest-list?
* Email your names to: [email protected] / Subject: event name
► 30.12.2017 | Суббота | RETROPOLITAN
DJ Valentine Black & DJ Mark Kitajev
Впервые в клубе PRIVE - RETROPOLITAN!
RETROPOLITAN - это вечеринка, где в большой и дружной компании мы будем вспоминать лучшие хиты за все времена и конечно же танцевальные хиты уходящего 2017 года!
В эту ночь ретро хиты отстаивает - DJ MARK KITAJEV (HIT FM)
За новые отвечает - DJ VALENTINE BLACK (N.C.I.)
Жаркие go-go снегурочки растопят самые ледяные сердца!
Давайте подведем итоги красиво и унесем в новый год массу позитивных эмоций!!!
€ 140 Up to 6 people:
One complimentary bottle of hard liquor with mixers, snacks, personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry are included in the price. Full range of food and beverages are available on request.
€ 275 Up to 12 people:
Two complimentary bottles of hard liquor with mixers, light snacks, personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry are included in the price. Full range of food and beverages are available on request.
€ 420 Up to 20 people, private VIP room:
For a more intimate and upscale experience, plan to spend your evening in our private VIP room.
Let our beautiful staff cater to your every need while providing the world-class service that PRIVÉ has set the standard for in Tallinn.
Two complimentary bottles of hard liquor with mixers, light snacks, personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry are included in the price. Full range of food and beverages are available on request.
Harju 6, Tallinn