Party: Retro Thursday featuring DJ Prashant & Manish

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Party: Retro Thursday featuring DJ Prashant & Manish

Twist to the colorful classics of retro beats with DJ Prashant and Manish and enliven your good old memories because Old always remains Gold.

Retro being the main element of the night, as you walk in you may taste, feel and perceive retro music and go in a classy yet comforting trip. The gatherings that take place on these nights majorly consist of people having a fetish for retro music.

So just drop by and pour in some Champagne into your glasses and get tuned to the retro beat tonight.

Doors open 9 PM on-wards.

For reservations call: 8826698561; 8826698563; 8826698566

Ladies and Couples enjoy Complementary Walk-in via Guest list.

**Club rules apply.

Invited: Vikrant Batra, Rinit Bawa, Susanna Di Cosimo, Prachi Das Agarwal, DecorDreamz Nitin, Neha Narang, Aaditya Hansraj, Kapil Dhaundiyal, Deepak Vashistha, Preet Duggal, Shikha Mohan, Deep K Arneja, Rajan Satish Midha, Varun Dhaundiyal, Deējaÿ Kd, Arun Kumar, Sachin Arora, Varabhay Kumar, Ankit Yadav, Hemant Mago, Prateek Tiwari show more »
