Party: Honouring His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej
Main page > Bonnyrigg Sports Club > Honouring His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej
Upcoming: 25
Date: 12.03.2016 13:00
Address: 610 Elizabeth Dr Bonnyrigg, Sydney, Australia | show on the map »
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Sydney Gala Luncheon - Свечани ручак у Сиднеју
Honouring His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej
Saturday, 12 March 2016 @ 1:00pm
Bonnyrigg Serbian Centre
On the occasion of the 'Laying of the Foundation Stone'
for the new St Luke Serbian Orthodox Church - Liverpool
Tickets $50.00 per person
Tickets can be purchased at the Club or at Sv Luka Church Liverpool.
We are truly honoured to be able to host such an event with our brothers and sisters from Sv Luka Serbian Orthodox Church. ALL WELCOME
Свечани ручак у Сиднеју
у част Његове Светости Патријарха српског Г. Иринеја
у суботу, 12. марта 2016.
са почетком у 13 часова
у Српском спортском центру Бонириг
Поводом полагања камена темељца
за нови Српски православни храм "Св. Лука"
у Ливерпулу