Party: Mother-Daughter Par-TEA!
Main page > Aliso Viejo Country Club > Mother-Daughter Par-TEA!
Upcoming: 6
Date: 21.03.2015 10:30
Address: 33 Santa Barbara Dr, Aliso Viejo, United States | show on the map »
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Join us for our Mother-Daughter-Dolly PAR-TEA!!!
When: March 21
Where: Aliso Viejo Country Club
Time: 10:30am-1:30pm
Enjoy a brunch with your daughter and her favorite Doll plus tasty, fun finger foods:
-Domestic Cheese & Crackers
-Assorted Sandwiches
-Fruit Display
-Pasta Salad
We will also have Craft Stations, Nail Painting and Polaroid Picture fun!! Come one; come all... You won’t want to miss this special day with your daughter and friends!!
Adult Price: $30 inclusive
Child Price: $15 inclusive
RSVP today to, [email protected] Jordan Bates or 949.598.9200.
Invited: Ria Martinson, Shannon McKnight Quiring, Kajza Maye Coats, Jimmy Breen, Camille Packer McConnell, April Kurtyka, Caroline Hunter Yao, Maddox Davy, Jennifer Rahn, Eleonora Serra, Amy Berry, Breann Shook, Frances Varnum, Vanessa Verdieck Crawford, Theresa Stack, David H Flatt, Christa Parker Strick, Cassie Fitzgerald Lorge, Nicole Segreto, Mija Joy Miller, Laura DeWalt Kagy, Heather Van Roekel Chawla, Cherie Sharp, Chrislynn Rustia Van Skiver, Roxanne Godoy, Meaghen Balaam, Nicci Dewez, Heather Chandler-Baker, Marley Elliott, Michelle Karmazin Chamberlain, Jennifer Pangborn, Willa Ramirez-Scroggins, Jodi Messenger Haddad, Belinda Abelson Hill, Krista Fraser Blitch, Michele Williams Harrington, Sarah Wilson Dowdell, Nikki Taylor Mcclelland, Oanamaria Abrudan, Dana Zinke Wettengel, Ginger Salahieh, Kissandra Jamal, Jason Wolcott, Kelli Lamb Addington, Loraine Baker Andreini, Kerry Shaughnessey, Rachel Colantoni Laderer, Kim Studley-Ziegelmeier, Lindsey Schultz, Jeremy Scruggs, Joanna DeFrain, Skip Schumaker, Kathy McDonald Mardaresco, Michelle Tellez Hagerty, Jobeth Grimes, Lorraine Whitford, Cristina Canaria, Philip Carter, Tricia Barr, Johnny Ray Brock Jr., Stephanie Garrison Werner, Monica Carroll, Lola Bingham, Deanna Cicchetti Nadruz, Manuela Cuturicu, Adriana Mardaresco LaShelle, Rachel Borcherts Stull, Molly Moorhead O'Connell, Alie Mercado show more »