Party: Magdalene, Citizen Rage, Crystal Mess, Profits Of Crime, Sick Ritual - Nov 27th
Main page > Nite Owl > Magdalene, Citizen Rage, Crystal Mess, Profits Of Crime, Sick Ritual - Nov 27th @ Nite Owl
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(E.P. Release)
CITIZEN RAGE (12:15ampm)
CR will be headlining the show...
MAGDALENE (E.P. Release) (11:30pm)
New lineup, New Merch, New EP...
CRYSTAL MESS (10:45pm)
Pleased to announce they are back in action with their new vo-killist Dylan Barstad!
PROFITS OF CRIME (10pm Sharp!)
Hutterites residing from the lake side village of Priddis... Jer and Adam will be celebrating their birthdays and accepting shots out of your ass crack! The more hair, the better!
Friday November 27th, 2015